25 Circle Logo Designs That Will Inspire You

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When it comes to logos you should know that they are extremely important and represent a massive part of building a brand. Developing a brand has many delicate aspects and the logo is one of the most important. Basically, a logo represents the philosophy and the identity of a company, all synthesized in a symbol. Thus, the logo has a great power and must have an important emotional effect in order to give rise to an emotional response and to influence those who see the logo, customers, most of the times. A good logo can look very simple, but it can send an extremely powerful message at a subtle level. Our brain is able to observe subtle forms and identify subliminal messages that give rise to emotional responses.
That’s why the logos are extremely important and some companies are investing a lot of resources and funds in their creation.

In this regard, you should know that many of the famous company logos have been highly studied.
As mentioned earlier, our brain responds differently and unconsciously to certain forms such as lines, circles, curves, or other regular or irregular forms. In this article, we focused on logos based on oval and circular shapes and we will present a list of 25 of the most interesting and attractive logos.

Why circles and ovals?
Because circles, ellipses and oval shapes tend to convey a message with a positive emotional effect. If a circle is used in a logo then this form may suggest the idea of community, relationship, interdependence, and protection. Rings signify a relationship and involvement and suggest stability, bond, and endurance. Another effect of curved forms is the association with feminine, curly and pleasant forms.

By comparison, the straight shapes used in logos deliver balance, precision, efficiency, and resistance. This may seem more aggressive at a subtle level, especially if presented in combination with some cold colors.

Another positive aspect, depending on the message that is intended to be transmitted through the logo, is that curved shapes can also create a jovial and youthful effect, so they can be more quickly accepted by younger ones.

So, it’s extremely important to identify what your target audience is before you get a logo for your business. Make a list of the attributes of the population segment to which you are addressing, try to understand which logo trends you should follow, which defines the company best and try to cross all these elements to clearly define the theme of a logo.

Another important aspect that you will notice and in the logos below is the colors and fonts that are associated with the logos. You can create a great logo but if you make wrong choices for colors or fonts, you can get a totally negative effect because some shapes and colors are contrasting and conflicting.
Sometimes, to contrast the feminine or masculine effects of a logo, you can use contrasting elements such as cold colors or rigid fonts for too feminine logos or vice versa, warm colors and corrugated fonts for logos that show only signs of masculinity.

It’s very simple to create a good logo for your company to help build you a strong brand if you understand the hidden psychology behind shapes and colors. These are elements that become an integral part of the message you are going to convey, so you need to be careful when you choose them.

By following this article you will understand some of the statements made about shapes and colors and you will notice the importance of fonts and certain logo elements. And in connection with the circle, an extra motivation for choosing this form for today’s article is that a circle is a form that occurs extremely frequently in nature, and from the point of view of the concept behind a logo, it means that the circles can be used to convey messages that transmit an idea of nature, connection to nature, belonging and protection, health and ecology, all highly publicized elements and always in vogue.

Another important aspect is the general appearance of the logo. A logo can be simple, based on stylized feminine or masculine shapes and can be considered minimalist or can be extremely loaded with shapes and colors. Or you may want a stylish and modest look, a playful, dynamic or proactive look.
All these effects are easy to accomplish if you understand the power of shapes and colors.
For example: if you are looking for a minimalist logo, then a circle is perfect. Circles have no angles, edge, and corners, being just one continuous line and no variation at all. This makes them perfect for being minimalist.
Other logos can be geometric and sophisticated, based on symmetrical patterns, embedded or separated. It all depends on the final message you want to send to your customers or potential customers.

I kept the most important lesson about logos for the final part. Whether you are an accomplished graphic designer or just at the beginning of your logo creating a career, you need to understand a crucial aspect of logos: it is more important to meet the customer requirements and respond to the segment of the audience to whom it is addressed rather than to your liking. If you are stuck on a logo just because it is visually and aesthetically pleasing, then that’s a mistake. Yes, it’s important to be satisfied with it, but the logo has a clear role: to convey a message, which is often the quintessence of the company it represents. And this should be the top priority when you create a logo.

So, whether you are at the base of the entrepreneurship mountain and need a logo, an experienced designer or a logo enthusiast, we are sure this article will help you understand at least some important aspects about the creation and effects of a successful logo.

903 Creative

1 903 Creative

We make

2 we make Circle Logo Designs

6 6 6 R E C

3 6 6 6 R E C Circle Logo Designs

Obradov Design

4 Obradov logo Design

The sofra

5 the sofra Circle Logo Designs


6 Arc52 Circle Logo Designs


7 NIMBU Circle Logo Designs


8 milpik Circle Logo Designs

Citrine Natural Health

9 Citrine Natural Health Circle Logo Designs


10 brillio Circle Logo Designs

The Organic Basket Co

11 The Organic Basket Co Circle Logo Design

Sage & Grace

12 Sage & Grace Circle Logo Design

Waffle Boss

13 Waffle Boss Circle Logo Design

Powered Pursuits

14 Powered Pursuits Circle Logo Design


15 Timbre Revised Circle Logo Design

Steve O symbol

16 Steve O symbol Circle Logo

CQ Design

17 CQ logo Design

First Class Lifestyle

18 First Class Lifestyle Circle Logo

Bombay Bazaar

19 Bombay Bazaar Circle Logo


20 Novotone Circle Logo


21 Superfried Circle Logo


22 Cardona Circle Logo


23 Foxography Circle Logo

Dunce & Dreamer

24 Dunce & Dreamer Circle Logo

McFly Originals

25 McFly Originals Circle Logo

Iggy is an entrepreneur, blogger, and designer who loves experimenting with new web design techniques, collating creative website designs, and writing about the latest design fonts, themes, plugins, inspiration, and more. You can follow him on Twitter

1 thought on “25 Circle Logo Designs That Will Inspire You”

  1. Some of these logos are pure genius and are very inspiring, however I was actually put off by several of them and a few were just unremarkable.


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