8 Quality Examples of Web Design Features That Increase Web Traffic

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Technology has changed the way we live, communicate, and interact. It has become a major pillar underpinning the modern world. The internet has become the global market where anyone can shop anything at any time. With websites as the online stores where we buy products and services, companies are investing handsomely in web design to make sure their sites are appealing and easy to interact with for all visitors.

A website’s user experience determines whether the visitors will do business with the site or not. This is why websites are investing in web design features designed to improve user experience and increase traffic and the retention thereof.

1.     User Focused Designs

The most successful websites are designed with users in mind. In the eCommerce industry, designers center their sites on making shopping easy and hassle free. They label products clearly and place them where they are easy to find.

On review websites, designers focus on making the casino comparison process simple. Online-casinos.com for example, reviews the best online casinos in New Jersey through a neat, lean site that performs efficiently even on mobile devices.

That said, casino sites work a little bit differently.  They provide games from different software companies. They also have to work with varying banking companies. All the same, they must feature sites that make the entire gaming process delightful.

2.     Mobile-Friendly and Responsive Design

When having fun on an online casino or bookie, not everyone will prefer using a laptop or a computer. For most people, gambling is a fun way of passing time when they have some minutes to spare. Since people do not carry their computers and laptops around, mobile gambling has been on the rise.

However, most sites are not mobile friendly, and this can hurt the company’s performance significantly. It is, therefore, important to make sure that your online casino website is responsive and friendly to mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones.

Visitors browsing remotely with mobile devices make up the majority of internet users, and if your website is not friendly to these users, then you are losing great web traffic. Visitors will appreciate a mobile-friendly site by visiting again and again. This will mean consistent business with regular and loyal customers.

3.     Easy to Use Web Design

Your website’s visual appeal is important, but if your web visitors have a hard time to get around, all that will be in vain. Web visitors will leave the website immediate they realize they cannot easily find what they were looking for. It is, therefore, in your best interest to design your website in a logical and easy to use manner.

You want your web visitors to find the information they need with just a few clicks. This means having a sitemap, contact page, company page, and other important pages linked on your home page.

You can include a search bar on the website’s homepage if your site has numerous pages, or integrate helpful additions such as Google Maps to show the location of your retail casino.

4.     Loading Speed

How your website loads can either increase or hurt your web traffic. If your site loads slowly, its user experience (UX) will be poor, and visitors will bounce back to the search engine results page (SERP) to click on a competitor’s site.

Google search engine algorithms will also penalize your site by ranking it lower in the SERP for slow loading, which amounts to poor UX. Most Google users click on the top-ranking results on the first page of the SERP.

Some web content, such as images and videos, can slow down your site’s loading speed. However, this type of content is important for competition. To incorporate them and retain a high loading speed, you should compress these large file media content.

A web design that allows the use of such content and at the same time improve search engine and visitors’ experience on your site will help increase your web traffic.

5.     Having a Blog

Business blogging is one of the major factors that drives traffic to websites with a blog. With more content on your blog, it means you have more chances of being found on the search engines. Again, if you shared your blog content on your social media accounts, you will reach a larger audience and hence attract more web traffic.

Fresh content is one of Google’s ranking factors as it recognizes your efforts to provide consistent, useful content. This prompts Google to send more traffic to your site by ranking your webpages higher on the SERP. A blog is such a powerful tool that if used effectively, it will demonstrate your industry expertise and knowledge.

6.     Optimized Content

For search engines crawlers to rank you high on the SERP, your web content should match the search intent of the users. On-page optimization is the process of incorporating the relevant keywords in your webpage content, URLs, title tag, page title, and in the meta description.

This helps both the search engine and its users understand the content your webpages offer. Your web design strategy should ensure that your webpages are optimized in such a way that they can be easily crawled, indexed, and ranked.

7.     Great Website Architecture

Website architecture entails how your webpages are organized and linked to each other. A great website architecture makes it easier for search engine crawlers to find, index and rank your web pages. A website with a great website architecture is more likely to rank higher in the SERP compared to one with poor architecture.

You can improve your websites’ architecture through proper internal linking. Internal links help to show how your web pages are related and linked to each other. A great website architecture will also improve user experience as visitors can navigate through your site with ease.

8.     Sharing Features

Building a site that can be shared will help increase web traffic. If you have recently visited a serious website, you will recall seeing a share icon that prompts and allows you to share the webpage’s content to your business and personal social medial accounts.

If your web design allows visitors to share your content, they will be inclined to share it for others to see and engage with it.

John Culotta
John is the chief editor here at WebDesignDev. He is a creative who enjoys writing, research, and all things design related as well as (formerly) a full-time musician. As an entrepreneur, he has many years of experience in designing websites, packaging, logos, photo editing, and the development of his own top-selling products on Amazon and Shopify. You can see his motivational Instagram account or connect on LinkedIn and follow him on Twitter.

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