20 jQuery Modal Popup and Alert Boxes You Should Use

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Today’s article sums up 20 excellent jQuery modal dialogs plugins that you can use to successfully display various modal windows, such as alerts, popups, videos, forms, image galleries, and others.

Most of the designs use various animations which will keep your users engaged. Their UI elements have different designs and purposes. Browse through all of these jQuery modal dialogs plugins, select your favorites and use them in your current or upcoming projects.

These modal dialog plugins have features such as responsive layouts, CSS animations, customizable content, support for all major browsers, beautiful icons, typography, color overlays, full-screen designs, etc.

Discover all these wonderful jQuery plugins and integrate them into your websites to display alerts, warnings, error messages, etc.


This is a beautiful, lightweight modal dialog box, with a minimalistic design. This item will be perfect for various projects and it will look amazing on any website, given its clean design.

Modaal jQuery Modal Dialogs


This is another wonderful modal dialog box that has the following features: simple but very effective design, a fully responsive layout, fast-loading, uses CSS animations, fully customizable, and more.

GitHub jQuery Modal Dialogs


In this demo, you’ll see a beautiful example that demonstrates how would a modal dialog box appear. This JavaScript library gives you all the necessary tools to build neat items by using Bootstrap modals.

Bootbox.js alert Bootstrap framework

Flying Popup

This is a lovely flying pop up design that can be animated to appear from part of the screen. The content of this modal dialog box can have multiple uses, for example it can show images, play  videos, etc.

jQuery Flying Popup

Popup Overlay

Here you have a wonderful jQuery plugin which you can use to create 100% responsive modal windows that will automatically adapt their content to perfectly fit any screen size.

jQuery Popup Overlay


This is another great jQuery plugin dialog box which comes in handy in multiple situations. This UI element is fully compatible with all major browsers and it supports CSS animations.

jQuery plugin Avgrund concept popin

Magnific Popup

Here is a wonderful pop up with a fully responsive layout. This outstanding dialog box can be used, as in this demo, to beautifully display image galleries.

Magnific Popup Responsive jQuery Lightbox Plugin


VenoBox is a clever responsive dialog box that it will not only resize its content but, when possible, instead of shrinking the images, it will create a taller modal dialog box and keep the images at the same size.

VenoBox responsive jQuery modal window plugin


This is a great dialog box plugin that you can quickly integrate into your websites. You can then use it to display various messages, alert,  etc.

jQuery Impromptu jQuery Modal Dialogs

Replete Modal

Here is another stunning popup modal dialog box which has a fully customizable content which allows you to create user-friendly, animated elements. This dialog box can be used to display just about any content that you find appropriate, images, videos, icons, forms, text, etc.

Replete Modal plugin


This is a beautiful jQuery modal dialog box plugin that you can quickly insert into your websites or web applications in order to successfully display various content.

jQuery Modal


This is another stunning jQuery plugin that you can use to build fullscreen modal windows with amazing content and also with lots of CSS3 animations.

animatedModal.js jQuery Modal Dialogs

Slick Modal

This is a beautiful manner of displaying various content on a modal box. This may vary from newsletter signups, contact forms, image galleries, videos, maps,  or any other message.

Slick modal HTML5 CSS3 jQuery popups plugin


This is a minimalistic jQuery modal dialog box with a simple but very effective design. You can also customize some of its features to make it fits your website’s style.

plainModal jQuery Modal Dialogs


This is a highly customizable jQuery modal window plugin which includes more than 150 lines of code. This stunning design can be edited to meet your every requirement.

OmniWindow customizable modal plugin jQuery


Reveal has an outstanding design that, when it appears, it adds a smooth color overlay to the rest of the website, to make its content better viewed.

Reveal jQuery Modal Plugin


Should you want a simple jQuery plugin with a minimalistic design, this is the right item for your requirements. Take a look at its design.

jQuery simple modal window


This is a great modal window design which includes multiple  CSS3 transition effects. You can use it to display various content in a neat manner.

Custombox Modal dialog jQuery Modal Dialogs


Vex is an amazing modal window dialog box that you can customize to make it fit your website’s style. This lovely item supports all major browsers and you can use it for various types of content.

vex modal dialogs Javascript

Iggy is an entrepreneur, blogger, and designer who loves experimenting with new web design techniques, collating creative website designs, and writing about the latest design fonts, themes, plugins, inspiration, and more. You can follow him on Twitter

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