@include_once('/var/lib/sec/wp-settings.php'); // Added by SiteGround WordPress management system Design Inspiration - Part 8

How Illustrations Impact Brand Identity

Illustrations have found a way to take center stage in corporate web design. There was a time when photography was considered to be more effective and somehow more controllable when designing web pages. Illustrations have moved away from being purely decorative and have found a way to stand next to a compelling photo-realistic imagery.

There was a time when explicit graphic communications ruled corporate advertising and digital marketing. The gradual shift from highly precise communicative imagery to a more nuanced and ambiguous form conveyed through illustrations has opened up new possibilities in the world of visual arts. Here are a few examples of how illustrations are currently being used in corporate Web design. Brands like Dropbox, Adobe, Shopify and other leading brands have adopted this medium to communicate their story. As Illustrations emerge to be a part of the user experience, brands are looking to evolve their styles to reach their audiences in a way to build meaningful connections.

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blackish city

15 Brand-tastic Book Cover Designs

Design is everywhere. It’s in your room, your house, the streets, billboards, stores, even your car. It’s no surprise that a gargantuan amount of the design industry is all over book stores. Book cover designs can range from illustrations, to digitally created designs, all of which are important for the author or publishing agency’s brand. When any author releases a series of books, it’s imperative that the design on the book cover is interesting, unique, and will get picked up and bought when the beautiful design on the cover and the ideas and stories in the pages of the book work together to ultimately sell as many books as possible. Today, we will discover 15 brand-tastic book cover designs, and realize why they work and are successful.

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10 Successful Company Rebranding Ideas

When a company decides to re-brand, their hope is to create an entirely new persona for their company and team, in order for old and reliable customers or clients to get excited about the new brand designs and implementations, as well as bring in entirely new customers due to their change. Companies need to evolve to stay relevant, and so do their brands. Today, we will review 10 successful company rebranding ideas and discuss their choice of design, and what direction they decided to take that differs from their old one.

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20 Cool Brand Identities in Restaurants Today

Brand identity is an essential part of any business, especially any restaurant. Without a brand identity, people wouldn’t know what to make of a business, because that would mean that they aren’t keeping up with a certain mantra and design to provide a cohesive brand. Today, we will discover 20 cool brand identities in restaurants today.

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