How Screen Recording Can Be Used to Create Different Types of Website Content

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Recording video footage from your screen can be extremely useful when you want to create website content. Unfortunately, most people tend to associate it with a specific type of content, but contrary to what you may assume screen recording is much more versatile and can be used to come up with several different types of content.

If you want to start to create website content using screen recording, a good place to start is to explore the types of content that it can create. That way you’ll get to know some of the options that are out there, and can come up with a more diverse range of ideas.

‘How to’ Video Guides and Tutorials

Without a doubt, the most common type of video created with screen recording are video guides and tutorials. Screen recording is innately suited to create this type of content for digital products or platforms as it will let you record footage that shows you using software, or performing actions on a computer or some other device.

The key to a good tutorial is to present a simple and straightforward set of instructions. As such the video footage that you record should clearly show each step that needs to be performed.

For some tutorials where keyboard and mouse actions are being performed, it may be tricky to ‘show’ what you’re doing. That is why you may want to use a third party app to help make these actions more visible. Alternatively there are some screen recorders such as Movavi screen recorder that have built-in features that enable it.

Digital Product Demonstrations

Similar to ‘how to’ guides, screen recording excels at making demonstrations of all kinds of digital products. Because the video itself provides viewers with a look at the features and capabilities of digital products – you can use screen recording to capture the footage that you need.

Unlike tutorials, the main goal of demonstrations is to provide information about the product, its features, and what makes it unique. However, it is important to try to frame that information in terms of its relevance to the viewer, and focus on the benefits it could provide to them.

Additionally, you will want to be careful that your demonstration videos aren’t too dry and monotonous. If possible, try injecting some personality or humor via the voiceover to make it more interesting. More than anything else, however, you need to sound passionate about the product that you’re demonstration – as it can be infectious.

It should be noted that digital products demonstrations aren’t confined to software alone, and can encompass online platforms, websites, or other digital services. In short, if it is something that you use your computer to access – you can use screen recording to come up with a demonstration.

Expert Interviews

Interviewing an expert about topics that viewers may be interested in can make for really compelling content, and screen recording can help. The logistics involved in scheduling an interview, meeting up, finding a good location to record the video, and actually recording it can be daunting – but with screen recording you can simplify it by conducting the interview via a video call and recording it from your screen.

While recording video calls of expert interviews may not be quite the same as an actual face-to-face interview – it is definitely the next best thing. More importantly, it is more convenient for both the subject and yourself, and sometimes you will find it easier to get experts to agree to be interviewed because of that.

That being said, there is still quite a bit involved in arranging expert interviews – so you will have to prepare and do your homework before creating this type of content. In particular, when you prepare questions you should think about what your viewers would like to know, and you may even want to solicit their opinions via social media.

Aside from interviewing experts, you can use screen recording to conduct and capture interviews with others, such as customers for testimonials or staff for brand culture videos. In short, there are many additional options for content under the interview umbrella.

Gameplay Videos

Gameplay videos have grown in popularity over the years – and unsurprisingly are created with screen recording. The videos themselves consist of a variety of different types ranging from walkthroughs to ‘speed runs’, guides, tips and tricks, or just short highlight clips.

Unlike normal screen recording, if you want to record gameplay videos you’ll find that it is a lot more demanding as your computer will have to run the game and record at the same time. On top of that, not all screen recorders are able to record games, so you’ll need to find one that does.

Ideally, it would be best to use a specialized game recorder to record gameplay videos, rather than a general screen recorder. If you do, you should be able to find one that has other features that you may want, such as being able to capture and overlay webcam video on the gameplay video.


As you can see, there are no shortage of options in terms of the types of videos that you can create with screen recording – and that is really just the tip of the iceberg. Odds are you’ll be able to put a spin on some of the types listed above and make unique content of your own.

In some ways, creating videos using screen recording is a lot easier than live action videos, as there are fewer factors that will affect its quality and you will have the means to control most of them. On top of that, it is definitely more affordable, and the logistics involved should be much more manageable.

Simply put, taking advantage of screen recording could help you to create content for your website more easily, and with a smaller budget. That should provide you with an incentive to explore your options and see what type of videos you can create using it.

John Culotta
John is the chief editor here at WebDesignDev. He is a creative who enjoys writing, research, and all things design related as well as (formerly) a full-time musician. As an entrepreneur, he has many years of experience in designing websites, packaging, logos, photo editing, and the development of his own top-selling products on Amazon and Shopify. You can see his motivational Instagram account or connect on LinkedIn and follow him on Twitter.

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