10 Things NOT to do while Creating Infographics

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Infographic is a combination of information and graphics that helps in representing the fact, statistics, know-how, news or details to anyone in a fast and precise manner. Graphics help in enhancing the ability of the human visual system with the patterns and styles in it, which results in smoother and quicker grasping of information for any person. That is the reason why inforgraphics are really popular. In today’s article, we will list 10 things that you probably shouldn’t be doing when creating your own inforgraphics.

1. Lengthy Captions:

Infographic - Lengthy Captions

Keep the caption short and related. It is must, the caption of the subject of your infographics must not be too lengthy, or it should not be anything to look cool but to the extend, is not related to the choice of your subject about the infographic. The caption should convey or refer to your subject which you have decided.

When you publish your infographics, and if the caption is different from your subject, it would not help you to get the authentic set of viewers. Lengthy captions would lead to no show to your infographics. At least the one main word legible of your subject is must to be mentioned in the caption of the infographics.

We learned: To get authentic viewers, you must have an authentic topic.

2. Focus on multiple topics:

Focus on multiple topics

While preparing your infographic, you need to stick only to the choice of your subject of infographic. Sometimes when you want to give information about one topic you unknowingly get connected to other, please give the importance and be focused to the content of the subject which you are preparing for the infographics.

Limit the information of the other related topic. Hence, for this, you must make sure you have a thorough knowledge of the subject you have chosen.

We learned: Stick to your content of the chosen subject.

3. Old Figures and feature:

Old figures and features

The statistics or figures or features you mention in your infographics must be from the latest reports. The latest reports are majorly readily available on government websites.

The reports are genuine, and your reader would have a good impression towards your infographic, as the data or reports which you have considered are from a trustworthy source. For more security and your reader’s reference, you can add the link as the source. Readers prefer authentic Information only.

We learned: Accuracy of facts is mandatory for infographics.

4. Obnoxious use of color and graphics:

Infographic - Obnoxious use of colors and graphics

Graphics play a significant role in infographics. You must be aware that an infographic is complete only if graphics are there in it; or else it is just noticed or circular and is not infographics. For your infographic to look presentable and viewable to maximum numbers of viewers you must have decent graphics and a decent choice of colors.

It is not advisable to use too many graphics; it confuses the reader, and makes the information their least concern.  Nor is too less dependable, it would make your infographic look unfinished.

Then comes the colors, it is advisable to use mild colors which are friendly to the eyes. Too bright colors would only hurt the viewer’s sight or too light would make your work look dull, and the viewers may not prefer to view your infographic.

We learned: The right choice of graphics and colors, play a vital role in infographics.

5. Detailed Content:

Detailed content

Elaborate your subject with focus and present it with clarity. If needed, you can add one example to explain. Ensure your elaboration or the example are not too lengthy. Note that your infographics should be short and precise. The purpose of infographics itself is to give information in a way that the viewers can learn the facts and understand them quickly.

If your infographics is lengthy and too in-depth with explanations; then the readers would get tired of reading the same and may give up! Not every reader reads a lengthy article until the end. Many viewers just prefer to get information fast in a very little explanation. So what they do is, first they would just scroll down and check the length of the infographics and then decide to go with the same infographics or to search another link with short and precise information.

We learned: To keep the infographics short and precise.

6. Incorrect Information:

Infographic - Incorrect Information

Correct information is also essential for infographics. It is better not to choose a topic, which you do not have complete information. When you choose a topic for infographics, in the very first part, please do a research and get yourself the adequate amount of knowledge; enough to write about it. You must know the pros and cons about it.

When you choose a subject for your infographic to write; you are responsible for about the information or the facts you share. Always remember your infographic will be viewed by billions of people and ready by millions. Even if infographic is read by a few hundred, they are going to collect and learn from the content you mention in your infographics. Basics: a reader prefers for an infographics is because they know that they can get quick and fundamental ideas about the subject they were searching for. And hence, you are the one who is responsible to put the correct data in your infographic.

They read and understand what you write, and if it is correct and incomplete either they carry the wrong information in the world or if they come to know about the null and void information they would never prefer the infographics updated by you or in the worst case your infographic gets reported.

We learned: The authenticity of the information is crucial. To learn about the subject before you write about it as you are passing facts and knowledge through you and your infographic.

7. Repetitive Infographic:

Repetitive Infographic

While you create an infographic, the most crucial thing to take care is that it should not be the same old infographic which would be numerous times used. If you put in use the infographic that people have already done, then it is bound not to get the views as intended.

Whenever you work on the infographic, make sure you bring up some new element or thought that has yet not used. A new idea or component brings the popularity among the viewers. In case using old infographic gets you, viewer, somehow, it would just make them bored, and they would rate you as per your infographic. Make sure; you have an authentic idea while you put up your infographic.

We learned:  Using old and repetitive topics should be avoided, and new elements must be using while creating infographic.

8. Different Visual language:

Infographic - Different visual language

A brand makes numerous infographics, and each looks different. It is a common and worst mistake to create an infographic which has different visual language altogether. A brand must always take care that their brand sends the same language with the infographic.

Constantly changing the visual language can confuse the viewers whether it is the same brand or a different brand. There must be a consistent brand language which should be the same in every infographic though on different topics. The placement of logo, content, design must be the same in every infographic. Keeping the placements same helps to create a brand style and get more and more users.

We learned: Maintaining brand language is a must which ensures more viewers and is easy to understand.

9. Icon Issue:

Infographic - Icon Issue

Whenever you work on an infographic, the designer tends to make the icon look funkier and more attractive. The usual mistakes that designers make are creating a trendy icon which confuses the viewers. The icon should be quirky yet straightforward so that the idea coveys to the viewers.

In the process of creating an attractive icon, designer tends to get in some complex idea and create ambiguity. Limited and relevant icons should be created. Creating the necessary icons, unique yet straightforward,  would convey the idea to the viewers.

We learned: Use a consistent style for icon creation, and it should stay in touch with the brand language.

10. Copy-pasting Content:

Infographic - Copy pasting content

Last but not least and yet a vital thing! Never copy any content. You could refer books, blogs or links are always OK but not copy them. Nowadays, information is spread all around the internet. You can find answers for any questions, get updates about any recent or past activities.

But no doubt, it is always advisable to refer if you are not sure about any information. Internet is like another big world with information other than where we live. It is easily accessible; if it is for you so is for everyone.

So, with all due respect to your own work, it is quite & strictly needed to follow to never copy any content. Be it be from books or from internet. If you copy, you are copying the work of others and their ideas, then there is no need of you to write your own infographic. As far as it is a copy no one wants a copy which is always available. Refer the sources if you need more or thorough information, write about the same information in the best creative, simple and straightforward manner for a reader to understand the subject quickly. Note that everyone has their way of explaining and presenting.

We learned: It’s OK to refer but never to copy. So, put your fun, beautiful, creative ideas to rewrite what you learned about the subject.

If you must create infographic design, you must work on the content and design part and bring them together to create magic. Only working on the content would result in a better infographic. You would know how to create an infographic; all you must avoid is the mistakes that a usually a designer makes. A better infographic is what makes your marketing strategy successful.

Make sure you hit the right notes, to create a unique infographic. Just make sure, whatever you do don’t create a dull and identical infographic which has been used numerous times in the past. Always keep brainstorming and come up with authentic, exciting and creative ideas to keep the level high.

The infographic you create must have a voice if its own and must compete with the other in the same topic. Only if you know the mistakes and try to avoid them, would you be able to create an infographic which relates to the viewers and keep them hooked? One of the basic rules is to keep it minimalistic and straightforward, and with that, you always win.

Follow the above what-not-to-do list and make your infographic unique and one of its kind and get not only billions of viewers but also billions of readers.

Harsh Raval
HR is a skilled web developer, graphic designer, digital marketing consultant, and content creator. With more than 10 years of experience in content creation, HR has contributed engaging, thorough, and well-researched graphic and web design content for several years here at WebDesignDev.

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