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13 Things Your Website May Be Missing

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Running a website isn’t always easy. You constantly have to update it to keep up with the latest trends. When that happens, it’s easy to miss popular add-ons that could really benefit your webpage.

Luckily for you, we have a list of seven things that your website may be missing. Take a look at the list below to see which idea could help boost your website.

1. Email Sign-Up

Email sign-up options are a great way to stay connected with your viewers. Emails are still strongly kicking around, so why not use them to your advantage?

When a viewer signs up to your mailing list, you get to send them content directly to their mailbox. That increases the chance of them heading over to your website, adding to the number of viewers you get.

2. Social Media Integration

We don’t need to explain how popular social media is in our world today. It basically runs everything around us. So, if you’re website doesn’t have your social media accounts integrated to it, you need to get on that right away.

Social media integration also works for sharing things. Having the option to share a post to your Facebook account easily adds to your website’s traffic.

3. Relevant Images

Images can make or break a webpage. To start, adding in images help break up words to make something easier to read, all while getting your point across in ways that words sometimes can’t. However, too many images can make your webpage distracting.

When adding photos to your website, keep them relevant to whatever you’re attaching it to. If you need something to illustrate your study, make sure it reflects what you’re talking about.

4. Mobile Friendliness

Chances are, a good chunk of your viewers are browsing through your website on their smartphone. If your webpage isn’t mobile friendly, it makes it really difficult to follow along. Ensure that your website is mobile friendly, and you can reach out to a different range of viewers.

5. Consistency

A website needs consistency. When you continently post on your website, it helps develop a schedule so that your viewers know what to expect. If you plan to post something every Wednesday, ensure you stay true to that schedule.

Blogs and websites that don’t post regularly tend to lose their traction. You need to be consistent with your posting to keep your viewers coming back.

6. Easy Navigation

A website needs to be easy to navigate. If someone has to constantly go back to the home page to make their way somewhere else on your website, you’ll likely lose them. To make your website easy to follow, ensure that you have a menu option available on every page viewers go to.

7. Contact Information

Even if you’re not selling a product or service, your website should have your contact information. Many viewers like to send in their thoughts about the content you publish. Having the ability to do that will help keep your viewers dedicated to your website.

8. Quality Over Quantity

It’s easy to get into the mindset that you need always to pump out content on your website. That if you don’t have something uploaded every day, you’ll lose readers and followers. However, remember that the content you upload is what makes your website. So, if you’re worried about how many things you post over how good it sounds, you’ll lose followers that way.

9. Variety

When it comes to variety, it doesn’t necessarily have to be multiple different topics. What it does mean, though, is that you try different ways to cover what your website is about. If your main focus is on gardening, find unique topics that still relate to gardening. Don’t just keep publishing the same “how to” tips that you’ve likely already covered.

10. Target Audience

If you don’t have an audience in mind, it can be challenging to grow your website and its impact. Thinking that what you upload will appeal to every person, no matter their age, gender, or values, is not going to grow your site.

To up your online game, you need to narrow down who you’re trying to appeal to. Anytime you go to publish content, ask yourself two major questions: does this content reflect and connect with my target audience? Will this content have the potential to get shared amongst my target audience? If you answer no, then you may need to go back and edit your piece.

11. Structure

Structure is essential in many ways for a website. To start, you want the overall site to have structure, clarity, and flow. That ties in with it being easy to navigate, mobile friendly, and consistency.

Where structure also comes into play is with what you publish. Whether you’re posting 1000 word article or a quick blurb on a new product, if there is no clear structure in the piece, it makes it difficult to follow. When someone’s online, they don’t want to spend time analyzing a simple piece just to understand your point.

12. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

You cannot take for granted SEO. It’s a must when it comes to growing your website and upping the quality of what you publish. When you understand SEO strategies, you understand what your target audience is searching for. It is those keywords that someone types into a search engine that will pull up your website. If you don’t use those keywords, your website will only get pushed deeper into the web, to the point that no one will find it.

13. Quick Load Times

We live in a world where people want things instantaneously, their online content especially. Highspeed internet has spoiled us to the point that if a website takes several seconds to load, that person will skip to somewhere else.

Don’t let that happen to you. Ensure your website isn’t loaded with useless add-ons that slow down the responsiveness of your website, especially when on a mobile device.

Take a moment to go through your website to ensure you have the points above integrated. Many of these points may seem like they aren’t a big deal. However, in the large scheme of your webpage, every add-on counts in one way or another.

John Culotta
John is the chief editor here at WebDesignDev. He is a creative who enjoys writing, research, and all things design related as well as (formerly) a full-time musician. As an entrepreneur, he has many years of experience in designing websites, packaging, logos, photo editing, and the development of his own top-selling products on Amazon and Shopify. You can see his motivational Instagram account or connect on LinkedIn and follow him on Twitter.

1 thought on “13 Things Your Website May Be Missing”

  1. One more thing that I think is very important now a day is the Call-to-action button. Call-to-action button helps your site visitors understand what action you want them to take during their visiting and makes it easy for them to do so. Most mobile devices, like smartphones have limited screen space which means the CTA buttons should be adjusted to account for this limitation. One of the best practices is to use sticky navigation and place the button in it.


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