LESS Compilers | 20 Resources for LESS Web Developers

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LESS (Leaner Style Sheets) is a CSS pre-processor that includes extra functionalities. This will help you to significantly improve your development techniques, allowing you to be more efficient.

This article focuses on finding the best LESS compilers available. Browse through these 20 LESS compilers that will surely come in handy to any developer, no matter its knowledge level: beginner, intermediate or advanced. These are real time-savers and will help improve your workflow and code better.

These resources can be divided into three categories: GUI compilers, online compilers and LESS compiler extensions and plugins.

Koala GUI Less Compiler

Koala is an excellent GUI application that was specially created for Less, Sass, Compass and CoffeeScript. This comes in handy to any developers and eases their workflow.

Koala GUI Less Compiler

Prepros GUI Less Compiler

Prepros is an amazing tool that you can use to compile LESS, Sass, Compass, and more. This GUI Less compiler works perfectly on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Prepros GUI Less Compiler

CodeKit GUI Less Compiler

CodeKit is fully compatible with all Less, Sass, Stylus, Jade, Haml, Slim, CoffeeScript, Javascript, TypeScript, Markdown and Compass languages.

CodeKit GUI Less Compiler

NetBeans GUI Less Compiler

Use NetBeans to effortlessly create any desktop, web or mobile applications. These may include Java, PHP, HTML5, C++, and more. This is an excellent GUI Less compiler that is beneficial to any developer.

NetBeans GUI Less Compiler

CSSDeck Online Less Compiler

Here is an amazing collection of very useful CSS and JS works. These online compilers will definitely come in handy to all designers and web developers.

CSSDeck Online Less Compiler

LESS2CSS Online Less Compiler

This is an excellent Less to CSS converter for the web. Discover its features and use it in your current or upcoming projects. This online Less compiler will significantly improve your workflow.

LESS2CSS Online Less Compiler

LESS CSS is More Online Less Compiler

This is another Less online compiler that includes many neat features. Take a look at what it has to offer and how it can be of use to your projects.

LESS CSS is More Online Less Compiler

LESS / CSS Compiler and Online Editor

This is an excellent Less/CSS compiler that also functions as an online editor. You just need to upload, create or insert the URL, edit the file online and use the wizard. Discover its full features and see what it can do for you.

LESS / CSS Compiler and Online Editor

Online LESS Compiler

Here you have another wonderful online Less compiler that can be used without any hassle. You simply need to drag&drop the files that contain Less into the box and have them compiled to CSS. Simple, right?

Online LESS Compiler

Grunt-Contrib-Less Less Compiler Extension & Plugin

Grunt comes in handy for many functionalities and significantly improves your workflow. This Less compiler extension comes with a guide and clear instructions on how to use it properly.

Grunt-Contrib-Less Less Compiler Extension & Plugin

LessEngine Less Compiler Extension & Plugin

Here you have a very useful extension which integrates Less compiler for PHP directly into your OpenCart install. Use it with caution because it modifies your files and directories.

LessEngine Less Compiler Extension & Plugin

Web Essentials Less Compiler Extension & Plugin

Here is an amazing Less editor that also includes a compiler and other necessary Discover them all and use these web essentials to ease your work.

Web Essentials Less Compiler Extension & Plugin

Web Compiler Less Compiler Extension & Plugin

This web compiler includes the following features: compiles LESS, Stylus, JSX, etc., automatically saves a source file triggers, error list integration, displays a watermark, and more. You can use it to compile various languages directly in Visual Studio or MSBuild.

Web Compiler Less Compiler Extension & Plugin

DMXzone LESS CSS Compiler

DMXzone is a wonderful Less/CSS compiler that includes powerful features. These allow you to use variables, mixins, functions, nested rules directly into the CSS.

DMXzone LESS CSS Compiler

LESS Compiler

This is a fully functional extension which helps you when it comes to create and to manage various styles. This is a neat Less compiler that will surely ease your workflow.

LESS Compiler

Less compiler for TYPO3

Here you have another excellent tool that allows you to successfully compile any Less file into a fully functional CSS file. This is done quickly and automatically.

Less compiler for TYPO3

WinLess GUI Less Compiler

WinLess is a GUI Less compiler that will definitely come in handy to any developer. This compiler includes neat functionalities that will ease your job.

WinLess GUI Less Compiler


Mixture is one of the underrated however one of the best compilers of all times. It is a LESS and SASS compiler that has a smooth UI and is adaptable to Mac OS and Windows both.



LiveReload GUI Less Compiler

LiveReload allows you to keep track of the modification in the file system. This is an automated task that displays the changes live.

LiveReload GUI Less Compiler

Bundler GUI Less Compiler

This is a Bundler GUI Less compiler that includes neat functionalities. Discover its full features and use it to improve your workflow.

Bundler GUI Less Compiler

Iggy is an entrepreneur, blogger, and designer who loves experimenting with new web design techniques, collating creative website designs, and writing about the latest design fonts, themes, plugins, inspiration, and more. You can follow him on Twitter

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