Adaptive Images – No Coding Needed to Produce a Brilliant-Looking Website?

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The secret to implementing the latest website design practices naturally requires keeping up with the latest design trends. It also requires making the best use of current technologies, which are of course constantly evolving.

Responsive images for example, were unheard of, not all that long ago. Now, their use is here to stay, and for most business-oriented websites, the use of responsive images has become mandatory.

Images can take up a significant portion of a typical web page. On the average, they took up more than half of a web page’s size 2 years ago, and every year the image size appears to be increasing.

Compounding the problem is the ever-increasing number and diversity of mobile devices used to access the web; devices having resolutions ranging from 72 ppi to more than 600 ppi.

How the Most Advanced Grid System in a WordPress Theme helps you Stay Up to Date


Image source: Uncode Portfolio Photo

With Uncode, it is possible to create every kind of possible layout, and more than a few layouts you thought would never be possible.

This WordPress theme is based on a uniquely-designed, highly-advanced grid system that gives you dozens of options you can mix and match to your heart’s content. Work with a boxed layout, a fluid layout, a fully responsive layout, or limited or full-width layouts; you name it, and you can do it.

You can work with variations in vertical and horizontal alignments, customize gaps and paddings, control available skin options, introduce parallax effects, try out-of-grid options, and just about anything else you want in incorporate into your design.

You don’t have to be concerned about keeping up with each and every design trend either. Uncode does that for you.

The Hot New Asynchronous Adaptive Image System is there for You Too


Image source: Uncode’s Blog Metro

You would naturally like to be able to optimally display any image on any screen size. Simply because a theme advertises a responsive capability doesn’t always mean it can always give you optimum results. Here is how Uncode’s Adaptive Image System works to present an image on a device the way you want it to be presented.

When a device wants to open a web page, it sends an http request. It does the same when it wants to open and display an image. It will in fact send an http request for each image that happens to be on a page; e.g.,10 images –  10 http requests.

Conventional wisdom would tell you that the best way to achieve optimum loading would be to somehow speed up the response times of these serial requests.

The problem is, you don’t control the server. The UNDSGN team that created Uncode thought differently. They thought in terms of applying an asynchronous rhythm to respond to browser requests.

This is accomplished by enabling the code to loop through and request each image almost instantaneously, rather than waiting to hear back from the server before sending the next request.

The bottom line is this: Asynchronous response enables browsers to download multiple images in parallel, even if the images are coming from different domains.

Five Examples of Modern Websites that Focus on Images

In non-technical terms, big website images can pack a punch. Large, attention-getting images are becoming the norm in modern-day websites. Large images can make a business’s brand or unique value proposition stand out.

With Uncode, there is no longer a penalty to be paid in load times or responsiveness when an image takes up 50% or more of a page – as these five top website designs clearly demonstrate.

3 Awesome Websites created with Uncode

The Revenant (Belgium)


Thomas Schuppisser

Check out the grid system


Tom Robak

Check out the adaptive asynchronous images in action


2 Cool Websites included in Uncode

Yes, these are some of the websites that you can get when you purchase Uncode WordPress Theme. The full list can be found here.

Creative Agency


Creative Artist


More About Uncode, and Its Cool Features


70% of Uncode’s users made this WordPress theme their choice because of its modern design. 80% have found that what Uncode offers is something new and unexpected. Even designers who have used this theme for some time never cease to be amazed by its outstanding core feature capabilities, which include:

  • The most advanced Masonry/Isotope and Carousel formats on the market.
  • The hierarchical theme options, centralized colors and typography, and the theme’s enhanced media library.
  • Fewer modules that translate into enhanced flexibility for the designer.
  • Built-in headers, 1-click demo, and online documentation supporting all this theme’s great features.

Why Purchasing Uncode Makes Sense


Uncode is simply a brilliantly designed and performing WordPress theme. It is a modern theme in every sense of the word, which is why more and more web designers have come to prefer it. It’s not just the number of features alone, or the flexibility, that sets this theme apart. Uncode is smarter than most themes. If you don’t believe it, just check out the advanced grid system and the adaptive image system. Once you do, you can expect to become one of Uncode’s happy users.

John Culotta
John is the chief editor here at WebDesignDev. He is a creative who enjoys writing, research, and all things design related as well as (formerly) a full-time musician. As an entrepreneur, he has many years of experience in designing websites, packaging, logos, photo editing, and the development of his own top-selling products on Amazon and Shopify. You can see his motivational Instagram account or connect on LinkedIn and follow him on Twitter.

1 thought on “Adaptive Images – No Coding Needed to Produce a Brilliant-Looking Website?”

  1. I think at this time the use of images is a great way to create a website that would be definitely liked by visitors. Either you are using a single big image on homepage or tiles of multiple images they look very trendy. I personally love it.


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