10 Useful Website Building Tools and Platforms

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There’s no shortage of website building tools and platforms on the market. But when you think about products that have the all features and capabilities you need, the number becomes much smaller.

Finding an affordable, yet good web-building tool or platform, is like finding the proverbial needle in a haystack.

You obviously prefer a product that’s easy to use and affordable. You also look for flexibility and customizability. And, sure, features that can deliver high-performance websites with attractive and engaging UX.

– Simple and flexible content management is key if getting a website up and running quickly is important to you.

– Your end products need to be user friendly, responsive, and SEO friendly.

– It’s good to have plenty of widgets; the more there are, the more functionality you can build into a website.

– You also want to be able to tie into social media, where much of the action is.


SnapPages has been a premier web-building platform from the time of its initial launch. With this latest release, it has been rebuilt from the ground up to focus more on what users say they need the most, and less on relying on a multiplicity of features. The redesign effort was done with mobile in mind, and not simply as an afterthought. SnapPages 3.0 is, by many accounts, the number one website-building editor on the market.

The drag and drop editor is extremely easy to use. Its selection of beautiful, 100% responsive, professionally designed templates let you get your projects off to a fast start, and there’s an innovative page section that makes creating a one page website a snap.

A spam filtering app can come in useful if you’re a blogger, by saving you time monitoring comments. SnapPages is, in fact, a blogger’s dream design and maintenance platform.

Your website is fully hosted in the cloud for safekeeping, and you can access it anytime, from wherever you may be.


            Webflow allows you to develop websites the way they should be developed – visually. As you style and lay out elements on the page, Webflow transforms your design decisions into clean, semantic, production-ready code for you, so you get immediate, visual feedback.

This saves you time, sure. But the real benefit is the control designers can now enjoy. With Webflow, you can own the whole design process, from initial mocks all the way to launch. And unlike other web design tools, Webflow lets you start from a blank canvas, so you can create exactly what you envision.

You can also create a custom database for each website you create, giving you a ready source of real content to design around. With the visual design flexibility it offers, and its easy-to-customize CMS, Webflow is a powerful tool in the hands of freelancers and in-house product designers alike.


With SITE123’s ready-made styles and layouts, and intuitive interface, all you need to do is enter your content –  and you can have a totally responsive, SEO-friendly website up and running as easy as 1-2-3.

No coding or prior web design experience is necessary, and all the tools you need to get the job done are there. SITE123 is not only ridiculously easy to use; it actually teaches you what to do as you go along.


Pixpa is a one-stop platform for creatives to showcase, share, and sell online; and manage their online presence as well. Its professionally-designed, customizable themes, together with its drag and drop do-it-yourself builder, makes building a website a dream.

Pixpa websites are responsive, and work on all mobile devices. They are search engine optimized, and social media enabled as well. This web-building platform also features just the right tools and resources to sell your creative work online, and grow and manage your online business.

Clients can download your creative works on any device, plus you can manage access rights to your collections, and create private collections for specific clients as well as public collections.

Online store tools include a discount engine, shipping lists, order processing features, and catalog management capabilities.

Themify Builder  

The Themify Builder is used in all Themify themes, but you can purchase it as a standalone drag and drop builder, or as a plugin to use in WordPress or with a WordPress theme. The backend drag and drop interface, combined with the frontend editor, makes website building quick and easy. You can monitor what you’re doing in real time as you proceed. A handy Duplicate feature lets you clone modules for future or prototyping use.

Simbla Website Builder

The Simbla Website Builder is an application, database, and website building platform that lets you perform your website building magic in a Bootstrap environment. There is nothing to install, your websites can be database driven if you wish, and everything you build is mobile and tablet optimized, and completely editable.

Responsive templates, design and developer tools, and SEO tools, come as part of the package.


Bookmark has harnessed the power of Artificial Intelligence to enable you to build a perfect website that closely conforms to the needs and wants of your users. AI technology mines information from millions of user-related data combinations, to create a special style and focus for your website.

Bookmark’s launch was scheduled for 28 February, with over 600 businesses lined up and ready for AI to create their websites.


            uKit makes it easy for a business, large or small, to quickly put together a website. The secret lies in pre-existing content, which merely needs to be adjusted to promote the business to customers, clients, and search engines alike.

No coding is required. It’s mainly a matter of content adjusting and arranging design elements by drag and drop. Built-in promotion and performance analysis tools come with the package.


The Simvoly platform helps you get your website, online store, gallery, or blog online fast. Its selection of beautiful themes can be customized to fit any idea you have.

Just select a theme, start working with the easy-to-use drag and drop builder, and you can have mobile-friendly, responsive website up and running and start selling online in no time at all. Simvoly provides live chat support, and offers a 14-day free trial.


If you want a website building platform that allows you to edit code to fine-tune your design, and have full control of your work, uCoz is the platform for you. If you would prefer not to do any coding at all, uCoz is also the platform for you.

uCoz comes with a ton of tools and features to build your personal website. The pricing looks good, and you can start building for free.


Each of these products are easy to use. They were created with the idea of helping a business, web designer, or complete novice get a solidly-performing website up in a very short time. None require special skills or coding, although one platform allows those who want to have complete control over their design to edit code. There are plenty of good choices, so checking out the various product’s websites will be time well spent.

It’s worth mentioning the largest of them all Wix.com. With over 200 million users, they are a contender in the field of website building. You may also be interested in reading our other posts about

John Culotta
John is the chief editor here at WebDesignDev. He is a creative who enjoys writing, research, and all things design related as well as (formerly) a full-time musician. As an entrepreneur, he has many years of experience in designing websites, packaging, logos, photo editing, and the development of his own top-selling products on Amazon and Shopify. You can see his motivational Instagram account or connect on LinkedIn and follow him on Twitter.

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