Introducing Web Designer News

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Many of you who read WebDesignDev regularly are probably reading content from other major web design blogs as well. You probably even scan through tens or hundreds of daily rss feed posts just to find something useful to read. Up until now, this was the only way to get latest news on web design. That is, until has launched. Webdesigner News is a website that collects all of the latest design-related stories from all the major design blogs and other places such as news stories and social media. The content covers quality design news, fresh design tools and design apps, case studies, coding demos, design inspiration posts, design videos and more. The content is easy to read, where you only see the headline and the number of times an article has been shared socially. All designer news can also be sorted by latest news, most shared news and even your own favorites, which you can add (first, you would need to sign in either via Twitter or Facebook). You can also sort all designer news by dates such as latest news in the last 24 hours, 7 days, 30 days or all news.  You can also submit your own news and even add comments to each news post. Finally, you can search all design news by using the search feature on Webdesigner News.

Here is a preview of how Webdesigner News looks on the home page:


You can see that the design is clean, user-friendly and easy to read. It’s also extremely easy to scan through the articles and find something awesome to read.

You are guaranteed to find something useful for you to read if you check out Webdesigner News. So what are you waiting for?

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John Culotta
John is the chief editor here at WebDesignDev. He is a creative who enjoys writing, research, and all things design related as well as (formerly) a full-time musician. As an entrepreneur, he has many years of experience in designing websites, packaging, logos, photo editing, and the development of his own top-selling products on Amazon and Shopify. You can see his motivational Instagram account or connect on LinkedIn and follow him on Twitter.

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