Getting the Most out of Twitter

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Over the last year, headlines continued to question Twitter’s strategic direction and bemoaned its seemingly endless internal turmoil. But Mark Schaefer, Twitter connoisseur and author of newly-updated The Tao of Twitter, believes it’s still one of the most powerful tools for businesses to connect with customers and build their brands – and it looks as if this power is not going anywhere soon.

Still, the biggest problem Twitter faces is its lack of intuitiveness. Getting to terms with the social network takes quite a bit of practice and commitment.

Making the most of Twitter requires you to grow an authentic follower base – instead of just buying followers (which doesn’t really do anything for you, but still is quite trendy) – and really applying the potential to your needs.

Growing a Following on Twitter:

Use a clear profile picture and a concise, personal bio

Most users will follow you based on their first impressions of your account. You’re in full control of this impression, so make the most of it. Firstly, use a clear, large photo of your own face or company logo. Next, write a concise and clever bio. Lastly, try to present a coherent image of what people who follow you can expect.

Respond to people who are interested in similar content

If you are running a gaming blog, join in conversations of others and give them informed answers. If, for example young gamers ask for ways to buy their access online without a credit or debit card, a brief Google search will allow you to tell them that there are numerous ways to do so. Like using services such as such as paysafecard to pay online, for example. People can be lazy. They ask questions that they could have researched quickly on their own. This is where you can quickly convey authority. If you help out, you will most certainly gain a few new followers.

Tweet at least 1-3 times each day, if not more

You need to tweet regularly or people won’t find you worth following. You can tweet about anything – the point is that you’re regularly active. What’s more, you can tailor your twitter schedule to get the best results if you’re wise. Tweet before 9am and after 6pm to catch people before and after work – the two most popular times on Twitter, and also retweet your popular tweets from time to time, that way you can catch people you might have missed earlier. Also, use various tools and plugins for your Twitter account, like TweetDeck. They will eventually make your life significantly easier.

John Culotta
John is the chief editor here at WebDesignDev. He is a creative who enjoys writing, research, and all things design related as well as (formerly) a full-time musician. As an entrepreneur, he has many years of experience in designing websites, packaging, logos, photo editing, and the development of his own top-selling products on Amazon and Shopify. You can see his motivational Instagram account or connect on LinkedIn and follow him on Twitter.

3 thoughts on “Getting the Most out of Twitter”

  1. Twitter is very effective if use properly. You need to have the right social media strategy to be able to execute it. It’s a good thing Twitter is upgrading its features these days to give us more advantage of using it. Thanks for sharing this post and let us more aware of how we can effectively use it in our marketing campaign.

  2. I was following the ideas and agreeing till I got to Tweet at least 1-3 times each day, if not more. Doesn’t this require having somebody do this for you? Who can run a business and tweet this many times a day? @Rey_Carr

    • Hi Rey,

      There are plenty of programs to help you schedule tweets ahead of time – a week or even several weeks ahead of time. We’ll try to do a round-up of some of those programs in a future article.


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